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워드마스터(중등실력)_단어 시험지(Day 11~20)







Section 01 People

01 Day Characters

02 Day Describing People

03 Day Emotions

04 Day Jobs


Section 02 Daily Life

05 Day Clothes

06 Day Food

07 Day Cooking

08 Day House

09 Day Transportation

10 Day In the Office

11 Day On the Road

12 Day Housework & Tools

13 Day At the Supermarket

14 Day Describing Things


Section 03 Leisure & Health

15 Day Senses

16 Day Health & Illness

17 Day Travel

18 Day Hobbies

19 Day Sports

20 Day Shopping

21 Day At the Restaurant

22 Day At the Beach

23 Day Special Days

24 Day Outdoor Activities


Section 04 Nature

25 Day Nature

26 Day Weather

27 Day Farming

28 Day Plants

29 Day Animals

30 Day Birds & Insects

31 Day The Environment


Section 05 Science & Education

32 Day Science & Technology

33 Day Space

34 Day Energy

35 Day Education

36 Day School


Section 06 Society & Culture

37 Day Society & Economy

38 Day Politics & Law

39 Day History & Religion

40 Day The World



* Day별 각 30문항: 뜻 쓰기 10문항, 영단어 쓰기 10문항, 문장 문제(문장 내 blank) 10문항


Day 11 ~ Day 20